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Membership Privileges

Discussion Forum

Our interactive discussion board encourages members to engage on issues ranging from women's individual empowerment, to broader topics involving women's role in the community

Opportunities & Events

Get exclusive access to a range of crowdsourced opportunities that can help you grow with other members of our women and ally community

Empowerment Resources

Articles, Videos, Webinars and conferences - we offer exceptional content and learning resources designed to help you grow and develop.

Get Social

Connect with women around the globe whose passion and core goals are aligned with empowering and uplifting women. This upgraded level of membership allows you to be connected to accomplished and inspirational women across different fields.


Let the power of networking and connection works for you and our women community. This would pave the way for great opportunities that could help solidify your presence personally and professionally.

event schedule

Financial Freedom Friday

What does financial freedom mean to you? What are your plans of achieving it? Where do you even start? Let’s answer these questions to bring clarity to our future. We’ll talk about financial fitness, Start up funding, Business Start ups, Leadership Essentials, Business Plans and more..

Self Care Saturday

Let’s talk about the most important person in the room: You. Set our priorities straight by taking a step back and acknowledging that we have to take care of ourselves before we can take care of anyone else. We’ll start the day with Mental Fitness, Burnout and Fatigue, Battling Self-Doubt, The Importance of Inner Dialogue and more…

Spiritual Renewal Sunday

Come full circle and invest into your Spirituality. Often set aside when it should be part of your life, it’s high time that we live in the moment and build on our spirituality so we can unlock our potential. Let’s start with a prayer, Enhance our Confidence, Strengthen our Intuition, Embody Servant Leadership and more…

event speakers

Karen Briggs

Marketing Consultant

Elizabeth D'Adamo

Mental Health Advocate

Chante Ellison

Breast Cancer Survivor - Self Care Advocate

Shantania L. Leggins

Wealth Builder

Nigel Schroeter

Financial Maven - Credit Connection

Elaine Jackson

Top PMP Coach & Mastermind

Johanna Williams

Forex Trader & Coach

Elwanda Bennett

Business Services Consultant & Technology and Training Industry Consultant


Author, Minister, Life Coach


Author & Alignment Coach

This has been a life changing program. The networking opportunities are very helpful, something i would not have otherwise achieve on my own. Everyone has been extremely friendly and helpful. The Enclave program helped me to make positive changes and start my own business. The opportunity to be a part of these types of events are really amazing. I encourage every woman who’d like to solidify their community presence to join as the benefits are huge.

Jane Doe, PHD

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contact information


Dr. Elwanda M. Bennett
Spring Texas 77380

Contact Info